
Nickname: Little Mischief




Toronto on Lappin Ave, Lansdown & Dufferin, known in Saint James town near 200 Wellesley Bleecker St

Snitch Biography:


Informant Jazmyn Jackson put me in jail I am locked up right now in south mimico. I asked my boy to post this for me so everybody doesn't get busted like me.

This is what she does Jazmyn will spend time with people just to get information to sell to the police. Am locked up with 2 other guys she put in here. We all met in here for the first time. When I get out I will post PROOF of her statement and disclosure.
Facts that would question this informant's credibility in court: Jazmyn uses a shit load of drugs.

If this post goes up thank you goldensnitches.com

Physical Description:

A tattoo of a heart on her chest a scar on the neck

Social Media Links:

She is on facebook under: Jazmyn Jackson

Skype Name: jazmyn.jackson4